A simple yet effective php web counter

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Secure it, please

In itself, this php web counter is rather *insecure* because it writes plain text files within the constraints that PHP offers. Please keep remembering: this is a fun and easy counter for your private website. It is not meant for secure or vital websites.

This said however, taking some security precautions to basically seal off your counter to all web traffic except yours *is* quite possible. And easy.

1. Place it in a secure directory
....is the primary thing you should do to make your installation rock solid. Just use your providers hosting panel or .htaccess to add a user/password to your directory. And edit your robots.txt to disable search engine acces to the counter.

2. Use the IP restriction code in header.php
An effective routine that i have built in to disable access to all ip-addresses, except for the ones that YOU define. Hey, how's that?

3. Only if you are really paranoid
Change all the file names that this counter uses, both physically and in the code. It should keep you safe from wild guessers in case other safety measures failed.

Please keep remembering: the simple yet effective web counter is made for easy, fast and flexible real time monitoring of what your visitors do on your website. If you want your counter to be as safe as Fort Knox, look further.